Alice the Wanderer Kit
All the News 5-5-2022
Raf-Matab’s Kit (Already in game!) ATTENTION! This champion will never be able to be summoned from SHARDS!
(Shout out to my dude Ice Nine for the clutch info on this one!)
Raf-Matab Thoughts:
Since this champion can never be summoned from shards, I highly recommend pulling for him. I think his kit is also decent and that A3 is potentially very strong. Depending on his multipliers that would increase his value as well. Finally, he does place block damage on himself on a three turn cooldown, so that could add him to the short list of unkillable clanboss champions. You could pair him with Roschard the Tower, who is in this 10x, Man Eater or Demytha for new unkillable strategies. My recommendation is pull for him because this is your only chance to get him.
On Thursday, May 12th, we’re planning to launch a Champion Fragment event with a new Champion – Bivald of the Thorn.
Faction – Sacred Order Rarity – Legendary Type – HP Affinity – Spirit
Bivald of the Thorn Thoughts:
I love seeing A1 provoke because we definitely need more champs to help with Magma Dragon teams in the doom tower. AOE Provoke on the A2 is my favorite ability in the game and the fact that you also get AOE Leech AND Strengthen on himself makes this an outstanding ability! I think his A3 has the potential to be broken good also. Depending on what his multipliers are, this could be a Ninja-like ability. I think Bivald is literally perfect for Magma Dragon teams but could also fit in Arena as well as other Bosses depending on how much damage that A3 does. 100% do this fusion.
And here’s a new batch of Champions who will be rebalanced in the upcoming update. The changes are written in bold.
1. Necrohunter
[Gravestorm] Attacks 1 enemy. Attacks all enemies 1 time if this attack is critical. [Tomb Stalker] CD decreased from 5 to 4 turns (3 when booked). Aura] Increases Ally Crit Rate in all battles by 19%.
Necrohunter Thoughts:
Depending on how the Gravestorm ability works, we could be looking at a new meta nuker. It seems like they took away the double hitter part of his kit but if not, we are going to see some maxed Necrohunters in Arena for sure.
2. Kallia
[Superheated Hammer] Damage increased. [Curse of Nullity] Damage increased. Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a 100% Heal Reduction debuff for 2 turns. (Heals this Champion by 10% of the damage inflicted when Atur is on the same team.) [Flame Tempest] Damage increased. Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit places a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns. (Heals this Champion by 15% of the damage inflicted when Atur is on the same team.)
Kallia Thoughts:
Some big question marks here, and any time they buff damage on any champion. How much did they change them will determine how good she is. AOE Heal Reduction is underrated though so that will be nice to have on a champ. The Flame Tempest isn’t AOE HP Burn but against a boss it would be good also. I think Kallia could be great in my Nether Spider team strategy as another option to replace Venomage.
3. Frostbringer
[Cones of Cold] Attacks 2 times at random. Has a 30% chance of placing a 100% Heal Reduction debuff for 2 turns. [Snow Flurry] Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit has a 75% chance of placing a 60% Decrease DEF debuff for 2 turns. Lvl. 2 Damage +10% Lvl. 3 Damage +10% Lvl. 4 Debuff chance +10% Lvl. 5 Debuff chance +15% Lvl. 6 Cooldown -1
Frostbringer Thoughts:
Finally Frostbringer is bringing the frost to Raid!!! Oh wait, no she isn’t. Plarium finally buffs this champion and still DOESN’T ADD FREEZE to her kit. Sheesh. Is her kit literally any better now? That’s a definite no. She will stay in your vault still. This one is very frustrating.
4. Woad-Painted
Base SPD increased from 92 to 97. [Crossup] Damage will be based on HP alone instead of ATK and HP [Undying Fury] Removes all debuffs from this Champion and 1 random debuff from all allies, then heals this Champion by 100% of their MAX HP and heals all allies equal to 50% of the surplus heal. Afterwards, places a 30% Reflect Damage buff on all allies for 2 turns, then grants this Champion an Extra Turn. [Overpower] CD decreased from 5 to 4 turns (3 when booked). Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 75% chance of placing a Block Active Skills debuff for 2 turns.
Woad-Painted Thoughts:
Did Woad-Painted just become crazy good!? This meme of a champ now has a seemingly overpowered ability and also can cycle through her abilities very quickly thanks to that extra turn. HellHades better be ready to eat his words on this one because tons of players are about to bust her out of the vault and max her out!
Whew that was a lot! -MtgJedi
April Birthday Tug of War Subathon!
August Subathon!
Christmas Eve Subathon!
Clan Boss Clover Strategy Revealed!
Complete Code Chase Promo Codes for the Call of the Arbiter Series!
This page will be updated after every episode is released so make sure to check back!
Complete Hydra Rotations Breakdown!
Fastest Possible Referral Accounts!
Goal: Hit account level 50 as fast as possible.
Expectations: Hitting level 40 takes around 8 days, 50 takes around 30 days
Basics: The highest account xp per energy is stage 12-6 brutal campaign, this is where you are going to spend 95% of your energy once you get there. Do not focus on any other champions other than your starter until they hit level 60, are fully booked, and have all their masteries.
Champ leveling: Since we are spending so much time in the campaign, you will have lots of mystery shards, these you will use to get common and uncommon champs that you will level up in the campaign to feed to your starter. Make sure you are rotating through your feeder champs. I like to get 5 rank 4’s up to level 40 and stick them in my vault, then 20 rank 3’s to 30. From there you know you are close to making a rank 6 champ.
Starter champion: I like Kael, but any will work. Your first 4 days you will want to put the lifesteal gear on your starter. The lifesteal gear will stay with your starter throughout the life of the account (if you stop at 50). The starter lifesteal gear is really good for starting out with atk% chest, speed boots, crit rate gloves, and top row with all the stats you want.
Missions and challenges: Do them. They give lots of xp which will help you run more campaign battles. Check it daily and see if you can do something that will give you energy or silver. Once you hit Part 3 of the progress mission, you can start to ignore the missions, but that will be around the 14 to 21 day mark, and your energy is better spent in the campaign at that point. For challenges, you’ll know it when you can’t progress further. Should be around champions part 5, artifacts part 8, dungeons part 3, and arena part 3.
Gems: Your first 800 gems goes to your starter champions masteries. Do not worry about unlocking the gem mine, you won’t be on the account long enough to get your gems back. Every single gem after that goes towards energy to be spent in the campaign. Around the time you’ve run out of your starter energy you should have already gotten over 800 gems for your starter’s masteries, and should be near if not already doing 12-6 brutal.
Ascension: Your first 7 days in the game, the potion keeps will be open. Take some time to farm a bit of potions for your starter champion and do those missions and challenges when they tell you to do them. If you get stuck, come back the next day.
Campaign: Make sure you check missions and challenges. Try to do each stage with only 2 champions for the first time when pushing towards 12-6 brutal so you get the rewards and do have to go back. If you get stuck, use more champs. If you really get stuck, go back to the last stage you could do with just your farmer and level up some champions for feeding.
Books: In the beginning you will get a lot of books, only put the rare books into your farmer when the challenges/missions tell you to until you hit 12-6 brutal. Do not put epic or legendary books into your farmer, this is just wrong and should never be done no matter how much you want to.
Support champions: Sometimes while getting to 12-6 brutal, you will get stuck passing stage or 3* a stage. For those situations, you want a good support champ to back up your farmer. Warpriest you get for free and can really help with her heal and increase atk. Other great rare champs to look for are Lambur, apothecary, reliquary tender, and any other champ that has a heal and/or revive. This will be a champ you want to take to 40 or 50 and feed to your farmer once you can safely farm 12-6 brutal.
Silver: Dedicate it to your farmer’s gear, then follow along with the missions and challenges. Don’t put it into crap gear unless the mission/challenge will give you energy.
CvC, tournaments, and events: Personal rewards cvcs can really jump you ahead towards hitting 50 if your clan wins. The energy that comes from just participating is also nice. Tournaments and events can also give a lot of energy and gems. These should be done for energy and gems if they aren’t taking you out of the campaign. Dungeon divers, champ training, and arena are all good for this purpose. Artifact enhancement can be nice if your farmer is already farming 12-6 brutal.
Clan: Find a clan, any clan that has around 20 active people. Some clusters have a starter clan that be active. If the clan you find doesn’t have 20 active daily people, find another clan. To the right of the clan screen, there is a funnel icon, click that to select your language, open clans only, clan members (set to 20), do not show full clans, Activity stars to 300, then click search. If nothing shows up that you can join, either continue messing with the sliders, or click the quick join button and keep quick joining until you find an active clan.
Clan quests: Your easiest clan quests to complete are going to be “Earn a total of x silver from selling artifacts”. Even the 5,000,000 is easily doable by switching to 12-3 brutal for a while and selling all artifacts from farming the campaign. Pick these up if they are available to get more energy in the clan shop.
Gear: Once you get to 12-6 brutal and you’ve done most of the artifact challenges you can safely sell all rank 3 and below artifacts for more silver. Try to combine this with a clan quest to earn silver from selling artifacts.
Creating/running the account: Recently Plarium changed how referral accounts can be created. Specifically you can no longer use bluestacks to create the referral account, nor can you use plarium play if there are any other accounts ever logged in. Some ways around this include using a virtual machine to set up plarium play, or creating a different local windows account, and I’ve heard rumors of changing the default device type in bluestacks and factory resetting your phone/tablet. Whichever way you go, make sure you play for around 30 minutes on the new account until you get the Trust referral in the referral area of the game. Once you get to that point you can move the account to whatever device/platform you like to play on. Remember, email when setting up the account if your email is, tossing a . in there makes it easy to recover the account if it ever gets lost. So use or Email ignores .’s anywhere before the @.
Thanks so much to Silentnights for this amazing breakdown article!
First Ever Subathon!
Halloween Subathon!
Halloween Subathon Schedule and Info!
History of Raid’s Deck of Fate
How to Create a plarium support ticket
Why is this important? If you lose access to your account for some reason and you need to start a ticket with Plarium to start the recovery process then it will be much easier if you have this information stored in a safe place where you can recover it easily.
Your Nickname or ID: Here’s a Link to the full article on how to find your Player ID.
Email address: You should know this one pretty easily unless it’s an alt. Not a bad thing to keep record of just in case
Registration date of account: Please let me know if you have a good way to find this information in game. The only thing I was able to do was look back through my appstore history on my phone and find the date that I first downloaded Raid Shadow Legends. This was quite a task since I started in 2019…
City and Country where you created your account: This should be a simple task of getting the date for your registration and remembering where you were at that time. School? Home? Vacation?
A screenshot of your last purchase confirmation email: This will be easy for anyone who makes purchases on mobile and gets emails about them. If you do not make purchases at all then you should be able to relay that information as well.
Additional information about the problem you are having: Hopefully, if you gather most of this information before an issue comes up then you will not have to do all of this research in addition to freaking out that you have lost all of your investment in the game.
Happy Gaming and set up your two factor authentication if you haven’t already. -Tayliam
How to Find Your Player Id Um Number Step by Step!
1. Start by clicking your avatar. This is the profile picture you chose in the upper left corner of the bastion game screen.
- Then locate and click the Info tab. This Info tab is the third tab down on this screen.
3. Finally, look for the Player ID. You will see player ID as one of the fields on this screen.
4. Use the “Copy ID” button to easily copy you ID and paste it to your favorite content creator.
5. Profit?!?! Now you can use this for any contest from MtgJedi or your favorite other content creators too!
Keep checking back to MTGJEDI.COM for more updates on how to get better at Raid Shadow Legends. Tayliam
How to get a Free Guaranteed Legendary Champion!
We have an amazing new strategy for starting a new account in Raid: Shadow Legends! Start using this strategy immediately on your new account today!
Big thanks to: God, Regreter of Humanity and his friends for this amazing discovery! Bagietka, Boneyard, Reader, and Scarlettjoker thanks so much.
We don’t know how long these boosted rates will last so if you want a new account with a Legendary champion, you need to implement this strategy immediately!